Thursday, January 1, 2009

At an impasse...thoughts on 30.

I feel like I'm going through some sort of midlife crisis...which is sad on many levels, least of which being that if midlife is 30, I'm for a life expectancy ending sooner than later.

I just want to have it all. It's cliche. I know that. I'm too easily influenced by movies. Have you ever seen The Devil Wears Prada? I love that movie. I swear Andy Sachs could have been me. Ten years ago, I was at a similar junction in my life, contemplating my 20th birthday. I wrote down all that I wanted out of life...I wrote down a lot of things, actually. I wrote lots of poems about what I thought my future would be. And, the conclusion I came to was that I would have to choose - the career-focused life I was definitely capable of, or the family life I knew I wanted. This was before I ever met Jesse, ever thought I'd really have kids; before I really knew myself.

And in those past ten years, lots has happened. I take the passive voice though I know I shouldn't. Did my life happen to me or did I make it happen? A wise person would say to never be passive and to always execute your own control. Well, I never said I was wise. I feel like a lot of my life thus far has happened to me, based on control of a few important decisions.

What was the life I thought I'd have? Well, to start out with, I thought I'd be working in publishing somewhere, have my own apartment, go to Borders or Barnes and Noble quite a bit, possibly go back for my MFA in poetry. I wanted to travel...not the world, because as Stephanie and I agree about, there are a lot of boring places out there. I thought about moving to Ireland just to do it. I was going to publish a lot, or at least write and submit a lot.

And that's the path I was on until May 31, 2000. That's the day I met my husband. It was a good day, and I don't want to diminish that with all my "what happened to my life" talk. We got engaged in October that year. Married a year later. A kid a year after that. A move and new job for Jesse a year after that. It was so fast, so very fast. I still can't believe it all happened.

Along with watching The Devil Wears Prada, I bought the Duggars new know the Duggars...the family with 18 kids and no debt? It was a very good book. I want to be a good mom and wife. I like the principles they have and teach their kids. It's just so polar opposite from the "other" life I wanted. Can there be a happy medium between the two extremes?

I don't know how to do it if there is a way. I love my family and never regret getting married and having kids. I just regret that I didn't do everything else first. I want to live my life to have no regrets, and I don't know how to fix that one.

If the time stamp on the blog is correct, you can see what time I wrote this. (If it's not correct, I'll just tell clock says 1:35 a.m. right now.) I've been having sleep issues. I slept for a LONG time today. I slept in this morning and then took a 2 hour nap in the afternoon. I was still exhausted. I didn't get my 2nd (1st?) wind until about 11:30 tonight. I have been just so tired all the time. I don't know what's wrong with me. And no, I'm not pregnant. Maybe a little depressed? Maybe I'm anemic? I don't know.

Sorry for the whining. I'm sure I'll be in a better mood tomorrow. Oh, and I do plan on updating my blog more this year. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I so know where you're coming from. There's still plenty of time for you to do the things you wanted to accomplish before you had a's just so hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel with little kids. They'll get older and pretty soon all 3 will be in school, at the same time and you'll have time to focus on the things you want to do (maybe not move to Ireland, but...)! Cheer up lady! Until then, happy ass wiping! :P